Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
We all regularly search the web with intent; we’re looking for the answer to a question, to purchase something, to find out more about an interesting subject. In doing so, we inevitably begin by using a search engine, Google and Bing being the two most popular. Fundamentally, the purpose of Google and Bing are to serve up the information they believe you are searching for and they want you to, in the end, be happy with what they’ve served you. In fulfilling this mission, all search engines regularly troll through the World Wide Web, looking for new websites and for changes in existing sites. They both then use very complex and evolving algorithms to grade sites as to the quality and freshness of information they provide and they look for words within those sites that, to the search engine, appear to accurately represent the content on the pages of those sites.
Large online merchants and mega corporations employ experts to handle their SEO. It’s that important and complex. However, the vast majority of website owners only need to follow a few guidelines and use some helpful tools to ensure high rankings for their sites. Unfortunately, most never do this.
In short, good SEO practice relies on:
- Determining which search terms (groups of keywords) are used by searchers to find your product or service.
- Sometimes more importantly, learning which search terms are not used by your competitors.
- Use of those words often in the content served up by the website — but not too much.
- Regularly maintaining and adding to the content of the website, reinforcing those search terms through repetition. To a search engine, this simply supports your website’s position as an “authority” on those subject matter.
SEO development tools become a part of every Websmithian website, along with some basic instruction and coaching on how to use them.